new RC5 of flash player 10.1 has pushed performance even further with nape now! (Aswell as fixing that annoying bug that caused compiling nape through AS3 to crash the player in previous release candidates)
Other updates: Collision callbacks, constraint breaking and impact strength calculations etc etc are all here now!
Big pyramid demo: 2d658a877eae8c35597b74728548cd
Has increased in fps from ~36fps in Fp10 on my computer, to 50fps stable in Fp10.1 RC5
One-way platforms and sensors using collision callbacks: 29703ce8afd97b3dca086aae81866a
player controls using callbacks: acfef0a98d62a9b8df77dc297a7447
some fun with constraints and sensors: 30b9e99327bc8e3cbd89e6c1a5adf8
some fun with evaluating impact strengths for sounds: de2b262205386329d43074e74a890f (ignore ugly ugly sound file)
You considered making a game lately?
Yes, i'm considering a few games, one being very suited to nape as a cross between crayon physics and scribblenaughts, i have handwriting recognition too for drawing characters for words alla scribblenaughts.
Aswell as ofcourse, Tau'ri 2 lol